‘The Democrats are using this legislation to make sure ... they can grab and hold on to power for good, and people are falling for it’ While some may use the blocking of H.R. 1, the so-called For the People Act, which would be better described as the Democrat... Letters to the Editor 05 Jul 2021 | 01:14
‘A cowardice endemic’ On Saturday we witnessed 43 Republican Senators violate their oath of office to defend our nation and our Constitution from... Letters to the Editor 15 Feb 2021 | 01:49
Republicans must tell the truth It’s alarming so many politicians continue to spread the lie that the presidential election was “stolen.” I doubt many of... Letters to the Editor 01 Feb 2021 | 02:01
Tone deaf Put aside the ignorant production of a non-masked close contact political rally at Mount Rushmore during a pandemic. The... Letters to the Editor 05 Jul 2020 | 01:32
‘Trump is confused’ The Trump Administration continues with the usual numerous discrepancies it continues to perpetuate. The Trump Administration... Letters to the Editor 22 Jun 2020 | 01:23
Passport applications on the rise