Monroe. Sept. 11 services This year marks the 20th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks. The Village of Monroe’s Remembrance Service... Local News 08 Sep 2021 | 01:02
The 911 Memorial at the Mill Ponds in Monroe. Photos by William Dimmit. A community that nevers forget On a beautiful September evening, Monroe held a Community Service of Remembrance in honor of the victims of the 911 terrorist... Local News 13 Sep 2020 | 03:41
The Sept. 11 commemoration plaque in the Village of Monroe. Monroe to host virtual 9/11 Memorial Remembrance Service Dear Neighbors and Friends, I hope this note finds everyone well; the school year is beginning for many, and our lives are... Local News 10 Sep 2020 | 09:33
Passport applications on the rise