‘Do all we can to hear and see both sides of the story’ As much as I would love to see the American political parties meet in the middle and choose compromise, I’m afraid we are... Letters to the Editor 08 Feb 2021 | 04:06
‘This is a time to be brave and do what’s right’ Liberty (definition): “the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposedby authority on one’s way... Letters to the Editor 01 Feb 2021 | 02:35
Republicans must tell the truth It’s alarming so many politicians continue to spread the lie that the presidential election was “stolen.” I doubt many of... Letters to the Editor 01 Feb 2021 | 02:01
Destruction of the USA Destruction of the USA is happening. Mr. Biden is destroying all the good work my President Donald Trump got done in less... Letters to the Editor 29 Jan 2021 | 12:36
‘It’s time to put the election behind us’ As 2020 winds down, I look forward to some light ahead. It’s time to put the election behind us. Stop stirring up fear over... Letters to the Editor 13 Nov 2020 | 11:43
This is the sign Dennis Walto has placed on the lawn of his home in Bellvale. An election story As a Voter Protection Poll Observer in rural Pennsylvania on election day this year, I was struck by how spirituality and... Letters to the Editor 11 Nov 2020 | 11:13
‘We need to be patient’ Covid 19 has affected this election in unexpected ways. Many more people will be voting by mail or by absentee ballot. New... Letters to the Editor 01 Nov 2020 | 03:31
A letter from one good neighbor to another Following the news both locally and nationally, I get a feeling that being a good neighbor has become another victim of our... Letters to the Editor 26 Oct 2020 | 08:15
Life or death on November 3rd On Tuesday, November 3rd we will go to the polls to vote for the President of the United States. One candidate and his party... Letters to the Editor 26 Oct 2020 | 11:26
Tyranny or freedom We can only hope as this election draws near we all recognize that this is not an election between the two candidates running... Letters to the Editor 19 Oct 2020 | 11:54
Have you seen a Biden sign? Everyone I know who put a Biden sign on their lawn has had them stolen while Trump signs and flags abound. Just remember... Letters to the Editor 13 Oct 2020 | 03:12
‘But what else is new?’ I was interested to read that the U.S trade deficit rose to $63.6 billion in July, the highest in twelve years. The July deficit... Letters to the Editor 15 Sep 2020 | 11:23
‘What did you know and when did you know it?’ If there was to be no such thing as hypocrisy, the following could not be real. However, I’m about sure that if one were to... Letters to the Editor 14 Sep 2020 | 12:58
Rebecca Vitelli, the 2020 Delaware Teacher of the Year and a 2011 graduate of Monroe-Woodbury High School, was invited on stage with presidential candidate Joe Biden at a recent campaign stop at Vitelli’s school in New Castle, Delaware. Photo by Adam Schultz/Biden for President. New Castle, Del. Delaware Teacher of the Year, a M-W grad, joins presidential candidate Joe Biden at campaign stop When presidential candidate Joe Biden announced his plan for childcare and early childhood education, he gave his speech... Local News 29 Jul 2020 | 04:16
Passport applications on the rise