I’m happy to announce that registration for the 2025 Chester summer camp, theater camp, and film/production camp is live and open until April 15. I heard the public on some of the reasons why we didn’t have registration numbers where they need to be last year so we made a few changes. We included funding in the budget line that allowed us to decrease the cost per camper, per session, to $180 based on a session of 50 kids and $159 based on a session of 80 kids. There is no change in price for non-residents of Chester. All are welcome! For regular summer camp, we are accepting check, cash, and credit card this year. We are offering an extended day option until 5 p.m. for an additional cost of $40 per session. We are also going to hold the regular summer camp at Chester Academy so there is an indoor component in case of rain or heat.
Theater and film/production camps are going to be held at the Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center. It is $400 per camper per session for theater camp and $425 for non-residents. It is $365 per camper per session for film/production camp and $400 for non-residents.
All details can be found online at the Town of Chester website under the Recreation tab, the Chester Rec Facebook page, and by calling our Recreation Dept. You can also watch my video on my page on Facebook where I went into every detail possible regarding all of the camps. The town board and I are trying as hard as possible to get the regular summer camp back off the ground this year. Please register your kids today and spread the word so we can make it happen! Please let Michelle Deshler and/or I know if you are having any trouble registering or if you have any questions!
Brandon Holdridge, Supervisor
Town of Chester