Tel Aviv domestic life enlivens in film at Jewish Film Fest
Monroe. “Karaoke” will be shown at the Jewish Film Festival in Monroe on Dec. 3 at Monroe Theater.
Tel Aviv /
| 27 Nov 2022 | 09:26

“Karaoke,” a film to be shown for the Jewish Film Festival, is a comedy of manners that centers on an upper-middle-class couple living on the outskirts of Tel Aviv. Their lives get a much-needed injection of excitement when a flashy talent agency owner moves into the penthouse apartment in their tower block. The film will be shown at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 3, at the Monroe Theater.
“Karaoke,” at the Monroe Theater
34 Millpond Parkway, Monroe
Suggested donation $10 per person
Pre-registration preferred but you can pay at the door
with exact change, check or credit card.
Sponsorship opportunities available.