With Santa by their side, Village Mayor-elect Andrew Giacomazza and Town Supervisor-elect Thomas Burke then shared the most important duties of the night: Lighting the tree at Perrone Circle. Photos by Linda Mastrogiacomo. Central Valley. Santa comes to town We Are Woodbury kicked off the holiday season with the second annual Christmas Tree Lighting at Perrone Circle. So many community... Local News 01 Dec 2021 | 01:23
Every vote counts We as Americans have the privilege to choose our representatives, and I implore you to use your voice to help our community... Letters to the Editor 12 Oct 2021 | 11:30
On Saturday, May 1, volunteer groups led by Kate Luciani and Sheryl Abernethy, participated in a training session offered by Dale and Tina Utter from the New York State Archaeological Association Central New York State Cemetery Network. The training focused on gravestone restoration and acceptable techniques for gravestone care. A special thank you to We Are Woodbury for coordinating this training and to all of the volunteers who so generously offer their time and efforts for the beautification of local gravesites. Provided photo. Monroe. Gravestone restoration and repair Local News 12 May 2021 | 02:37
Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), who wholeheartedly agreed to meet at the Central Valley Firehouse and be recorded while performing their spirited bagpipe renditions in traditional garb. Photos by Linda Mastrogiacomo We Are Woodbury celebrates St. Patrick’s Day amid COVID precautions Because everyone is a little Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, the newly formed community group, We Are Woodbury, took the saying... Local News 14 Mar 2021 | 05:07
Known locally as "The Old Cemetery," the land was given by James Weygant to originally be a family cemetery. The Weygant family was prominent in the history of Orange County dating back to at least the 1800's. In the background can be seen the Cemetery of the Highlands in Highland Mills which is separate from The Old Cemetery. Photos provided by We Are Woodbury. Restoring the rich archive of Woodbury’s early families There lies in Woodbury a small burial ground referred to as The Old Cemetery. It is tucked in behind the Highland Mills United... Local News 21 Feb 2021 | 02:40
Passport applications on the rise