Artwork on Sparta food bags. Photo courtesy of Valerie Macchio. ( Photo courtesy of Valerie Macchio) Food pantries serving more people than ever In this post-COVID, high-inflation world, food pantries are assisting more people, from senior citizens to single parents,... Evergreen 18 Nov 2023 | 06:45
Between March 2020 and February 2023, SNAP Emergency Allotments provided a second monthly payment to recipients, either an extra $95 or bumping the monthly total to the household maximum, whichever was greater. (Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture, New York State Academy of Dietetics & Nutrition, N.Y. Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance) Snapping out of it After nearly three years of providing eligible households with extra money for groceries, the final SNAP Emergency Allotments... Local News 28 Feb 2023 | 10:08
Passport applications on the rise