Former board member Meg Vaught and Photographer Kimbery Breiland. Photos provided by Jonathan Clark/Tuxedo School District. One hundred and twenty years in the making The Tuxedo Union Free School District was formed in 1902 by joining the several smaller districts within the Town of Tuxedo.... Local News 31 Jan 2023 | 02:27
Rabbi Pesach Burston, of Chabad of Orange County, enjoy a festive moment with Tuxedo Town Supervisor Kenneth English, using “Magic Dreidel Glasses.” Photos courtesy of Chabad of Orange County/Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston. ‘Creating light and warmth’ in Chester, Monroe, Tuxedo The weather forecast for the second night of Chanukah in Monroe was raining chocolate gelt. In addition to more thanr 2,100... Local News 08 Dec 2021 | 01:12
Patrick W. Welsh IV Patrick W. Welsh IV of Chester passed away peacefully on Saturday, June 19, 2021. He was 48 years old. The son of Patrick... Obituaries 23 Jun 2021 | 11:55
Photos provided by Tuxedo School District. Tuxedo. Senior ‘Spot’ Day The Tuxedo School District has always had a long-standing tradition of honoring the members of George F. Baker High School... Local News 06 Nov 2020 | 02:17
Congressman Maloney ignores veteran’s concern I am a Vietnam War veteran, having served two tours in country (1966, 1967). After having suffered through various strange... Letters to the Editor 13 Oct 2020 | 01:30
Black Babies’ Lives Matter The leading cause of death in the Black community is not HIV-AIDS, cancer, homicide, diabetes or heart disease. The leading... Letters to the Editor 28 Sep 2020 | 11:24
This past week, the Upper School’s chapters of the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society created and collected more than 200 cards for healthcare workers at Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern. The cards will be delivered along with goodies for employees at the hospital. Special thanks to GGM students, the GFB Student Council, and Mark Stankiewicz’s art classes for their contributions. Thank you to Matthew Takeuchi for printing our digital cards and to Jennifer Jones for her support with this project. Stay safe. (Madison Spivak, NHS VP of Service) ( Provided photos) Tuxedo. Thank you, Tuxedo community This past week, the Upper School’s chapters of the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society created and collected... Local News 14 Apr 2020 | 12:37
United in Light: Tuxedo Town Supervisor Ken English, center, pictured with Chabad’s Rabbi Pesach Burston, right, and Chabad Gabbai Ira Kanis of Monroe, left, after lighting the menorah in Tuxedo on Dec. 26. ( Provided photos ) Menorah lighting in Tuxedo: 'When light outshines the dark' A nice crowd gathered in Tuxedo on Thursday, Dec. 26, to celebrate the lighting of the fifth night of Hanukkah with a celebration... Local News 06 Jan 2020 | 06:46
Passport applications on the rise