Monroe-Woodbury School superintendent issues five days a week instruction update Monroe-Woodbury Superintendent of Schools Elsie Rodriguez issued the following earlier this week to M-WHS and M-WMS families:... Letters to the Editor 28 Apr 2021 | 01:07
Districts are offering hybrid return to school models, meaning limited numbers of students are attending school in-person for only a handful of days during the week. How that works varies slightly district by district, for reasons that are presumably unique to each, such as student population and numbers of buildings. How is your school district reopening? Read its plan As school districts await Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s decision on how and when to open schools this week - which he may have announced... Home 03 Aug 2020 | 11:41
What’s the plan? Monroe-Woodbury School District officials are required to file their 2020-21 school reopening plans to the New York State... Local News 29 Jul 2020 | 12:07
A class at Monroe Temple’s Torah School prior to the COVID-19 lockdown. Provided photo. Monroe Temple’s Torah School details return to school plans As schools throughout the region continue to finalize their reentry plans, Monroe Temple’s Torah School is equally looking... Local News 22 Jul 2020 | 01:02
Passport applications on the rise