Yuri Nam, in red in front, with WVHS Choral Director Noreen Hanson How a song about Korea came to Warwick Valley High School Meistersingers The Warwick Valley High School Meistersingers performed a song that was unfamiliar to most of their concert audience on Dec.... Letters to the Editor 19 Dec 2022 | 11:19
On Dec. 15, the First Presbyterian Church of Monroe hosted the presentation of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Cantata “Magnificat” with a 21-piece orchestra and combined choirs from Bellvale Bruderhof Community, Hudson Opera Theatre and Chancel Choir of The First Presbyterian Church. All religious faiths were in the audience enjoying the work put together by Ron De Fesi, the churches musical director. ( Photo by Bob Mahran) 'Magnificat' Entertainment 16 Dec 2019 | 12:56
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