Pictured from left to right are: Jennifer Schnaars, Secretary to the Supervisor, Elizabeth Rowley, President and CEO, Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan, Ann Marie Morris, Senior Center Director and Parks Department Head, Nicole Feller Lee, Director of Development & Communications, Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan, and Tony Cardone, Town of Monroe Supervisor. Councilman Sal Scancarello was unavailable for the presentation. Photo provided by the Town of Monroe. Monroe. Town of Monroe donates $2,000 to Community Foundation The Town of Monroe recently present a check to the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan for money raised at the Town... Local News 04 Aug 2021 | 11:26
‘Hudson Valley Gives is just one example of the generosity we witness in our communities day in and day out’ There have been too many instances of division in our country and world to count this year; but on May 19, folks in the Hudson... Letters to the Editor 21 Jun 2021 | 02:23
Passport applications on the rise