Pictured from left to right, beginning in the top row, are: Troop 440 leaders James Martinez, Ryan Kearney, Steven Thau and Gian Portanova; from left in the middle row: Nicholas Alappat, Matthew Capps, Patrick Martinez, Daniel Ruggiero, Michael Kearney, Nicholas Doran and Tyler Wood; and in front: Lincoln Pearce, Donovan Ross, Israel Gopee and Michael Alappat. Photo provided by Steven Thau/Troop 440. Monroe. Scouts from Monroe and Woodbury celebrate Scout Sunday Boy Scouts from Troop 440 Monroe joined together with Cub Scouts from Pack 148 in Woodbury to celebrate Scout Sunday on Feb.... Local News 06 Feb 2023 | 11:30
BSA Troop 440, Monroe, went tent camping at Camp Bullowa in Stony Point last weekend, Nov. 13 and 14. Photos provided by Steven Thau, Committee Chairman, Troop 440. Stony Point. Hail, rain nor cold temperatures can deter BSA Troop 440 Nineteen Boy Scouts and four leaders from Monroe BSA Troop 440 camped last weekend, Nov. 13 and 14, at Camp Bullowa, the... Local News 17 Nov 2021 | 12:58
Passport applications on the rise