The Town of Monroe honored longtime volunteer John Battaglia at the Oct. 18th Town Board Meeting for his 21 years of dedicated service to the Monroe Joint Parks & Recreation Commission. John spent six of those years as Board Chair. He is pictured here with his wife Carol and members of the Town Board and Village Mayor Neil Dwyer. “We gratefully acknowledge John’s commitment to making an impact in the Town of Monroe,” the board said. Provided photo. Monroe. Town honors John Battaglia, longtime Parks and Recreation Commission volunteer Local News 29 Oct 2021 | 04:10
The start of the 29th annual Turkey Trot 5K race/walk at Smith's Clove Park in Monroe. ( Photos provided by Joe Mancuso) The 29th annual Turkey Trot draws 137 runners and walkers The 29th annual Turkey Trot 5K race/walk took off at 9 a.m. Saturday Nov. 30, without a glitch. One hundred and thirty seven... Sports 03 Dec 2019 | 01:25
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