Pictured are Harriman Army-Navy owners Madelyn Goldberg and Jennifer Carrillo; Village of Harriman Mayor and Board members, and employees of the Harriman Army-Navy. Village of Harriman Board celebrated Harriman Army-Navy’s 50 years in business The Village of Harriman Board recently celebrated Harriman Army-Navy with a proclamation, “recognizing 50 years in business,... Business 30 May 2022 | 05:21
Pictured are Monroe Clean Sweep Committee members (left to right): Wayne Mitchell, Village of Harriman Trustee, Paul Campanella, Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce, Jennifer Carrillo, Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce, Charlie Pakula, Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce Village of Harriman Mayor Lou Medina, Village of Harriman Trustee/Deputy Mayor Carol Schneider, Town of Monroe Supervisor Tony Cardone and Village of Monroe Mayor Neil Dwyer Clean Sweep prep in motion for April 23 Preparations are under way for the annual Monroe Clean Sweep, on Saturday, April 23, from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. The Greater Monroe... Home 28 Mar 2022 | 03:19
Passport applications on the rise