A bill authored by State Senators Testa and Pennacchio would keep Critical Race Theory Out of NJ public schools Senators Michael Testa and Senator Joe Pennacchio have introduced legislation that would prevent critical race theory (CRT)... Home 18 Nov 2021 | 12:31
‘It is not about race’ Our recent national elections are behind us, but sadly our divisiveness is not. Every week in letters to the editor and... Letters to the Editor 09 Nov 2021 | 10:42
Dr. Aram deKoven, the United States Coast Guard Academy’s Chief Diversity Officer and director of the Office of Inclusion and Diversity, will discuss Critical Race Theory on Oct. 23 in a Albert Wisner Public Library program offered in-person and via Zoom. Photo via Twitter. Library to host program on Critical Race Theory on Oct. 23. Critical Race Theory has recently been all over the news. In fact, it has become quite a hot button topic, even a trigger... Local News 10 Oct 2021 | 05:19
‘I, for one, am grateful to Colin Schmitt for taking a stand toward protecting our children from indoctrination’ I have recently read some letters attacking the paper for its coverage of Critical Race Theory and Assemblyman Colin Schmitt’s... Letters to the Editor 28 Aug 2021 | 02:05
‘A lie ... a deep truth’ Your Aug. 6th headline that CRT “rewrites history . . . and provides false narrative” contains a lie and points to a deep... Letters to the Editor 23 Aug 2021 | 01:46
Critical Race Theory and ‘the historical difference between the American and French Revolutions’ Several recent letters supporting the teaching of Critical Race Theory have claimed that those disagreeing with it want to... Letters to the Editor 16 Aug 2021 | 10:46
‘I am ashamed that you represent me’ Dear editor: In response to a recent article in the Chronicle I sent the following note to Assemblyman Schmitt. Perhaps you... Letters to the Editor 10 Aug 2021 | 02:21
Fear-based politics are dangerous and divisive In the recent front-page article in The Warwick Advertiser, Critical Race Theory ‘rewrites history...and provides false narrative... Letters to the Editor 09 Aug 2021 | 04:02
Critical Race Theory: Academic theory or political indoctrination? Assemblyman Colin Schmitt recently announced that he will be introducing a bill that bans “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) in... Letters to the Editor 09 Aug 2021 | 11:05
‘Silencing ... the essence of our American ideals’ I am responding to your positive presentation of Assemblyman Schmitt’s widely discredited extreme right wing position on... Letters to the Editor 08 Aug 2021 | 04:27
‘It is beyond contempt that we have denyers in our midst who cannot recognize the racism which permeated our history’ This letter was going to be about the great wall of Nininger Road and the slums being constructed there. How can such a... Letters to the Editor 08 Aug 2021 | 03:45
Pictured from left to right are: Jennifer Dellova (parent and president of Washingtonville School Board), Nicole Hewson (parent and Middletown board member), Colleen Doyle (concerned citizen), Kevin Gomez (attorney/parent/Middletown school board member), Assemblyman Colin J. Schmitt, Joe Minuta (Orange County legislator), son of Ciara, Ann Marie Aviles and parent Ciara Irrazary of Cornwall. Photo provided by the office of Assemblyman Colin Schmitt. Critical Race Theory ‘rewrites history ... and provides false narrative on our most impressionable youth’ Assemblyman Colin J. Schmitt, a Republican from New Windsor who represents the towns of Wawayanda, Goshen, Hamptonburgh,... Local News 03 Aug 2021 | 10:40
Passport applications on the rise