Monroe highway department changes I find it very disturbing what has recently happened with the Town of [Monroe] highway department. Billy Brown who has been... Letters to the Editor 19 Mar 2024 | 11:22
A better road I have known Bill Brown for over 25 years. I know him to be dedicated to the people of Monroe, having served alongside him... Letters to the Editor 03 Oct 2023 | 02:30
Pictured left to right: Valerie Bitzer, Town Clerk, Ann Marie Morris, Senior Center Director and Department Head, Mombasha Park & Alex Smith Pavilion, Councilman Mike McGinn, Eagle Scout Award Recipient, Noah Sequeiros, Supervisor Tony Cardone, Councilwoman Dorey Houle and Bill Brown, Deputy Highway Superintendent Dog park creator honored by officials at Monroe Town Hall An Eagle Scout Court of Honor celebrated Noah Sequeiros, of Troop 440, at Monroe Town Hall last week. For his Eagle Scout... Home 13 Jul 2022 | 04:08
Passport applications on the rise