Roland Orzabal (l), Curt Smith and drummer Jaime Wollam of the popular 1980s band, Tears for Fears, performed at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. ( Photo by Nathan Mayberg) Tears for Fears rules Bethel Woods with timeless hits The thousands in the crowd at the site of the original Woodstock wouldn’t stop cheering on Wednesday, July 5, as they did... Entertainment 07 Jul 2023 | 01:31
Source: BethelWoodsCenter.Org Bethel. Bethel Woods to host Virtual Q&A for prospective volunteers Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, located at the historic site of the 1969 Woodstock festival, will host a virtual volunteer... Entertainment 27 Jan 2021 | 02:18
Drive through light shows is the saving grace of holiday events this year: pictured here is Watt Christmas Wonderland in Goshen, N.Y. Photo by Hanna Wickes. Local happenings to get you in the Christmas spirit Whether it’s a drive-thru light show or a socially distant Christmas Eve Mass, the holidays, like so many other things, look... Local News 14 Dec 2020 | 12:47
The new augmented reality tour lets visitors view the historic site as one of 450,000 during the 1969 Woodstock festival. Photo by Kevin Ferguson. Bethel Woods launches reality tour, ‘Meet Me at Woodstock’ The Museum at Bethel Woods, located at the National Register historic site of the 1969 Woodstock festival, today announced... Entertainment 31 Aug 2020 | 02:06
Passport applications on the rise