Colin Schmitt reconsidered differently To the editor: Last week, a Monroe letter writer asked us to reconsider Colin Schmitt. Please consider that if Colin Schmitt... Letters to the Editor 06 Sep 2022 | 10:09
Schmitt on Biden’s failure to ‘put an end’ to COVID Assemblyman Colin J. Schmitt (R,C,I,LBT,SAM - New Windsor), candidate for the NY-18 Congressional District, issued the following... Letters to the Editor 28 Dec 2021 | 12:49
Assemblyman Colin Schmitt meets with Angelo Marcialis of Chester, the latest artist in the assemblyman’s Art Showcase Program. Provided photo. Washingtonville. Angelo Marcialis selected for Assemblyman Colin Schmitt’s Art Showcase Program Assemblyman Colin J. Schmitt has named Angelo Marcialis, a resident of Chester, as the next artist selected to showcase his... Local News 02 Aug 2021 | 02:36
Passport applications on the rise