Liam and Colin Gralton holding the banner at the March for Life held Jan. 29 at the Park and Ride in the Village of Monroe. Photos provided by Rich Strobel, Respect Life coordinator for Sacred Heart in Monroe and St. Anastasia in Harriman. ‘The first right (is) the right to life’ On January 29th, a group of prolife pilgrims who would normally be in Washington D.C. decided to bring the March for Life... Letters to the Editor 01 Feb 2021 | 07:16
Warwick resident Richard Held thought the event was attended by hundreds of thousands and that it was so crowded people had trouble staying together or seeing if anyone they knew was close by. ( Provided photos) 'Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman' On Friday, Jan. 24, about a dozen parishioners from Warwick’s Church of St. Stephen, the First Martyr, traveling by charter... Home 29 Jan 2020 | 11:42
Passport applications on the rise