Sussex County advises that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) does not deploy teams of people to go door to door to conduct surveillance. If an individual claims to be from the CDC, do not let them into your home or speak with them. They are imposters. Contact local law enforcement and report the activity to your municipality. Sussex County also refers residents to information from Johns Hopkins University for information on the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Symptoms may develop within 14 days of exposure and may include; cough, fever, shortness of breath. The virus that causes COVID-19 usually spreads from close person-to-person contact through respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing. It may also spread through airborne transmission, when tiny droplets remain in the air, even after the person with the virus leaves the area. It is diagnosed with a laboratory test.
C0VID-19 as well as the flu may be prevented with frequent and thorough hand washing, avoiding coughing into hands, staying home when sick and limiting contact with people who are infected. While COVID-19 is caused by one virus, which is the novel 2019 coronavirus, the flu is in contrast to that caused by any of many various types or strains of influenza viruses.
The Sussex County Division of Health (SCDOH) has been working closely with state and federal agencies preparing to respond to potential cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), meaning that it was detected in a person who did not have relevant travel history or contact with a confirmed case in communities in California, Oregon, and Washington. The immediate health risk for the general American public remains low and individual risk dependent upon exposure. Though according to the CDC, the potential global public health threat posed by this coronavirus is high, and it is anticipated that more cases will occur in the United States.
The SCDOH is actively engaged with local, state, and federal partners including the CDC, the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH), and local medical providers and hospitals to enhance our preparedness and resposne to the situation." The Division has emergency plans in place that are ready to be activated, should COVID-19 emerge in Sussex County. Volunteers from the Sussex County Medical Reserve Corps and Community Emergency Response Teams are prepared to assist in a potential emergency response to this outbreak,"according to James R. McDonald III, Sussex County Health Officer. At this time, there is neither a vaccine for COVID-19 nor is there any treatment besides supportive measures if you become infected.
The Division is providing education on coronavirus and preventative measures to various organizations throughout the county, and has been communicating with schools, medical facilities, and healthcare providers regarding preparation and response to potential cases of COVID-19. The SCDOH remains vigilant in keeping up to date with the latest state and federal recommendations to ensure the safety of the community and encourages Sussex County residents to exercise the interventions listed here to protect against infection from COVID-19 and other circulating respiratory illnesses.
The SCDOH is prepared to respond, in coordination with local, state, and federal partners, to potential cases of COVID-19 that may occur in Sussex County.