Woodbury: A merger to fear

| 06 Aug 2024 | 02:54

    The proposed merger of the Town and Village of Woodbury is a dangerous proposition fraught with potential pitfalls. While proponents may tout cost savings, it’s actually specious. The merger would not save any money, as there are no duplication of services. This merger is more likely to benefit the interests of a select few rather than the broader community.

    A primary concern is the erosion of checks and balances. Currently, the Town and Village operate as separate entities, providing a system of oversight and accountability. Consolidating these powers into a single governing body removes this essential layer of scrutiny, leaving residents vulnerable to potential abuses of power. Furthermore, the merger stands to significantly alter the landscape of zoning and planning. There is a strong likelihood that these crucial boards will be stacked with individuals aligned with the interests of influential figures like Senator Skoufis, rather than representing the diverse needs of Woodbury residents. Such a shift could pave the way for unchecked development, compromising the character of our community and potentially diminishing property values.

    The most alarming aspect of this proposal is the potential for the newly formed governing body to become a rubber stamp for Senator Skoufis’ agenda. Instead of prioritizing the well-being of Woodbury residents, this merged entity could become a tool to advance his personal or political goals. This is not the kind of leadership Woodbury deserves. It is imperative that we maintain our current structure, which has served our community well. The proposed merger is a step backward, not forward. Let us protect our Village, preserve our quality of life, and safeguard the interests of all residents. Woodbury deserves better than this.

    Linda Mastrogiacomo

    Highland Mills