Respectfully, their relevant experience speaks for itself

Monroe /
| 30 Oct 2023 | 03:43

    In response to Supervisor Cardone’s letter: “Relevant Experience Matters.” As a former Orange County legislator, I could not agree more with the statement while admonishing its use. This year, I am proud to endorse two wonderful candidates who are prominent members of this community. Bill Kazdan raised his daughters here. He is a member of the Downtown Revitalization Committee, the Monroe Lions Club, and was a career-long union member and shop steward. He runs a family-owned childcare business. Maureen Richardson has a diverse educational background with graduate business experience. She runs her own family’s engineering consulting firm. She has experience in research and data analytics, sales, and management. She attended MW schools, which encouraged her to volunteer in our community from a young age. She continues to serve us through her profound advocacy with Preserve Monroe. How are these experiences relevant? They display leadership, charitable spirit, managerial ability, and people skills. Not only do these candidates have professional backgrounds that match the needs of our community, but their personal experiences shape their capabilities far more than I could describe here. They are drawn to public service. Supervisor Cardone speaks of relevant experience to Bill Brown, who regardless of party should be lauded for his 20+ year service to the Monroe Highway Department. Councilwoman Mary Bingham was a nurse. My husband and I teach. Councilwoman Houle boasted her experience as a mother during her bid for State Senate, which we would never diminish. To diminish anyone the way Supervisor Cardone has, diminishes this community. I am proud of all those who truly dedicate themselves to public service, from all walks of life.

    Myrna Kemnitz
