The Youth Corps of the Monroe Volunteer Ambulance, along with our senior and life members, hosted a blood drive on Saturday, Feb. 13th, at the Ambulance Building.
As always, they did a great job of getting the word out and preparing the building for our guests.
We had a very successful blood drive with more than 100 donors who donated 106 pints of blood. Each pint of blood saves approximately three lives, therefore 318 lives were saved on Saturday.
We could not have reached this impressive number without the amazingly generous members of our community, who came out in droves to help replenish the blood supply and save lives.
Kudos also go out to the staff of New York Blood Center, who tirelessly and graciously worked for hours on their feet, making sure that all donors were seen in a timely fashion and had a positive experience.
We hope to see all of you at our next drive. New donors are always welcome.
Thank you for embodying our motto: Neighbors helping neighbors.
Wayne Chan
MOVAC Vice President and Youth Corps advisor