'Justice awaits. Justice will prevail.'

| 15 Oct 2015 | 11:48

    In response to Supervisor Doles' inappropriate comments toward me, a private citizen, with regards to Dennis McWatters' decision to step down from the Town Council race, I have this to say:

    If anything led to McWatters' decision not to run again it was that he came to his senses and realized he couldn't possibly sit next to Dan Burke, Gerry McQuade, and you, Harley, any longer.

    Who could possibly sit and listen to the incompetency mixed with the manipulations and downright cruelty exhibited by you, Harley, and your fellow board members? It's only a matter of time before the jig is up.

    Enjoy your freedom to manipulate while you can. Justice awaits. Justice will prevail.

    I implore my fellow Monroe citizens to get out and vote on November 3rd for Tony Cardone and Mike McGinn.

    We simply must take back our Town Board.

    We must.
    We shall overcome.
    Emily Convers

    Wife, mother, citizen of Monroe and volunteer grassroots activist