It takes more than a referendum to create a village

Tuxedo /
| 08 Oct 2019 | 04:03

    This past July, Tuxedo residents voted to create the Consolidated TownVillage of Tuxedo, encompassing all of Tuxedo, except the Village of Tuxedo Park, thereby making the area of the townvillage outside Tuxedo Park essentially indivisible.

    While achieving territorial unity was a necessary step, it alone will not suffice to address the issues facing Tuxedo residents. Questions regarding the fate of the Tuxedo Union Free School district, Tuxedo Farms and other proposed housing tracts and the budgets for municipal services will require open debate and constructive dialogue to achieve resolution.

    Next month the residents of the Tuxedo will elect a townvillage supervisor and two members of the board.

    They can elect a board who will govern openly and transparently in the interests of the community, or one inclined to favor transient interests, their own selfinterest or both, behind closed doors and without community input and participation.

    Two years ago, Tuxedo voters elected Ken English to the town board. From the outset Ken has pushed for greater dialogue between members of the board and the community.

    Moreover, he has held workshops educating residents on the powers and responsibilities of town and planning boards under state law.

    This time Ken English is running for townvillage supervisor, along with incumbent board member Michelle Lindsay and firsttime board member candidate Maria May.

    This is a team committed to promoting greater cohesiveness within the community, invigorating the village with a sense of shared purpose, and guiding sustainable and responsible development within Tuxedo.

    Now it is up to Tuxedo residents to vote to become more than just a village on a map.

    Greg Duffy
