In response to Dan Burke

| 03 Mar 2016 | 12:51

    Mr. Burke,
    I'd prefer to give you the benefit of the doubt and turn the other cheek to your personal attack in last week’s Letter to the Editor, but your track record of deplorable behavior while a town board member forces me to recognize and call this out as more of the same pernicious political nonsense.

    As you (should or do) already know:

    • I alone met with the town's comptroller and developed the financial analysis.

    • As it is labeled and I described it publicly, the report is a financial statement of the cost of the town owning and operating the Monroe Movie Theater building for the 7.5 months of operation in 2015 ($672K.) The value of the building has no place in that calculation.

    • You own each and every "suspect" number in the 2015 report. They are the town's numbers (not mine) from its financial reporting system for 2015 while you were in charge.

    • When the new councilmen took control of the town board in January, they quickly announced that a public accounting firm would audit all of the town's financial records, including those for the movie theater.

    Since you now have time on your hands to pursue it and are so very confident that the building is worth $4 million, why don't you invest your own money in acquiring it?

    Having cost the taxpayers almost $700K in 2015 and being on a pace to lose more than $800K this year, I would hope the newly rational town board would consider accepting a bit less than that.

    Mike Egan