Your captions

A few weeks back, we asked readers to write a caption to accompany this photograph by Robert G. Breese. We received more than a dozen. Thank you.
Enjoy the efforts of your friends and neighbors.
And stay cool. Are you my mother?
(from the favorite childrens book)
CB So this is what you call a birds eye view.
John Karl Heres looking at you, cow.
Beth Profiro How now brown cow.
Jesse Tennant Bird-watching always tires me out.
Kyle Hutchinson You rest, Elsie. Ill keep an eye out for Bruno the Bull!
Robert Demetry The cow is saying: Well hello there! Are you comfortable?
Denise from Moms Homestyle Deli, Warwick
It looks like the cow is saying: Ugh, Really Out of all the places to take a rest, you land on my nose?
Carly Kosen Little birdie on my nose, tell me how the story goes.
Barbara Schaldonat If I try to stick my tongue in my nostril, youll go from a starling to a snotling.
Hedy Albert How long do you plan on staying there?
Gloria Oehme If a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, imagine what a bird on the nose is worth.
Linda McGuire Every time I try to talk to you it just goes in one ear and out the utter.
Neil Murphy