United Martial Arts Centers, which is celebrating its 25th year in business, is doing whatever it takes to give members the ability to continue their training while the coronavirus keeps them home.
The center, located at 43 West St., Warwick, will be offering two weeks free virtual online training starting next week. The following is a menu of online classes and lessons to choose from:
· Live virtual classes are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
· New online class videos are posted every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
· Students can participate weekly in a private one-on-one virtual lesson.
· Students can pre-test for tips and stay on track to earn their next rank and belt. All progressed tips will be mailed. In addition, progress tips and belts will be available for pick up curbside.
In addition to physical training, the center is offering fun challenges every Monday, Tuesday and Friday:
· The craft challenge is held every Monday.
· The fitness challenge is every Tuesday.
· The family bonding challenge is every Friday.
· The center is also offering weekly themed workbook packets.
A virtual tournament will also be held, in which students will be able to compete online by performing their techniques. Medals will be awarded.
The center also has locations in Middletown and Monroe. The online classes can be accessed through the United Martial Arts Centers app, available through the App store or Google Play. For more information, visit www.umacenters.com.