Monroe. American Legion Post 488 again collecting hams to give to needy vets this Easter season

American Legion Post 488 in Monroe is again looking for the community’s involvement to help needy vets to make their own Easter dinners by donating hams to the organization.
“Particularly during this ongoing pandemic, community members can help us by donating any extra hams they may have,” said Marty Currid, a Post member who is coordinating the collection. “The ham you may not need this Easter season will make a difference for a veteran and allow him or her to have a traditional Easter meal.”
Currid said many people have free hams earned at ShopRite and don’t “miss” them because they’re extra ones earned through shopping points at the store.
All donors need to do is stop by the legion hall on Lakes Road after 2 p.m. any day with their donations.
The hams will be kept in the legion’s freezers and passed onto veterans in time for Easter.
To learn more, call 783-3965.
- Nancy Kriz