Woodbury Town Police

| 24 Apr 2023 | 10:58

    April 10

    Donom Porumbita, 22, of Kent, Wa., was charged with petit larceny, a misdemeanor, and released on an appearance ticket.

    April 12

    A juvenile from Monroe was charged with petit larceny, fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon, second-degree menacing with a weapon, misdemeanors, second-degree robbery and tampering with physical evidence, felonies. He was released on his own recognizance.

    April 14

    Kevin Josef Mayer, 28, of Highland Mills, was charged with assault, fourth-degree criminal mischief, criminal obstruction of breathing, misdemeanors, and second-degree harassment, a violation. He was remanded to Orange County Jail.

    April 15

    Laura S. Bolivar Orjvela, 24, of Newark, N.J., was charged with petit larceny, a misdemeanor, and released on an appearance ticket.

    Johan S. Gonzalez Rodriguez, 22, of Newark, N.J., was charged with petit larceny, a misdemeanor, and released on an appearance ticket.

    April 17

    Liam C. McGiver, 28, of Highland Mills, was charged with first-degree driving while intoxicated and with a blood-alcohol level of .08 percent or more, misdemeanors. He was released on an appearance ticket.

    April 18

    Lensky Galette, 40, of Stony Point, was charged with first-degree driving while ability impaired by alcohol or drugs, first-degree operating a motor vehicle with a blood-alcohol level of .08 percent or more and aggravated driving while intoxicated, misdemeanors. He was released on an appearance ticket.