Warwick fire calls, volunteer recruitment and prevention tips
• The Warwick Fire Department has responded to 93 calls for service to date this year as of Monday 03/28/2022 at 1100hours. The Warwick Fire Department has also responded to multiple calls for service over the past week, including (2) automatic fire alarms, (1)carbon monoxide alarm, (1) Mutual Aid Call to the Monroe Fire District for a Structural related fire call assignment as the (FAST) Firefighter Assist Search Team. (1) Odor of Gas Investigations turned over to O&R Utilities Gas Services Division.
• The Warwick FD will be hosting an Open House Firefighter RecruitNY Food Truck Touch A Truck Recruitment Drive on Saturday 04/23/22 , 12-5p.m. at Warwick Station #1 located at #25 Church Street Extension in the Village of Warwick. If you have a food truck and would like to be a vendor to participate please contact our email at the warwickfire150@gmail.com
***Firefighters Needed*** The Warwick Fire Department is always in need of firefighters. Please call us at 845-986-3473 or reach us by contacting us on all of our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram or by emailing us @ wfdmembership@yahoo.com You can also stop by any of our firehouses any evening to speak with a Fire Officer. On Monday evenings after 6:30pm or the 1st Tuesday of the month after 7:00pm you can stop at any of firehouses to see about joining any evening.
• The Warwick Fire Prevention Team hopes that our Community is continuing to remain Warwick Fire Safe.
• Include carbon monoxide prevention as part of spring cleaning.
• This past week our companies also including our Warwick Fire Police Unit completed the following details from calls for service, company drills, vehicle apparatus checks and fleet maintenance by completing weekly work details at Warwick Fire Stations. This past Monday evening the Raymond Hose Company # 2 held an Engine Company Operations Drill at Warwick Station # 4. On Thursday the Warwick FD Department Rope Team held its monthly operations drill at Warwick Station # 1. This past Saturday evening the Warwick FD hosted our annual Pocketbook Bingo Fundraiser at Warwick Station #1. Thank you to all our donors and supporters.