NYDOT to hold public meeting on Route 17/86 changes
Orange County. The affected area is between Route 17 exit 113 in Sullivan County to the I-87 connection in Orange County.

The New York State Department of Transportation, in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), will be preparing an environmental impact statement for the upcoming changes to Route 17, also known as future I-86.
The affected area is between Route 17 exit 113 in Sullivan County to the I-87 connection in Orange County.
Both agencies are inviting the public to participate in any or all of the upcoming public information sessions for the project, titled the “NYS Route 17 Mobility and Access Improvements Project.”
NYSDOT representatives will be available to provide additional information, answer questions, and gather input.
The information sessions will take place from 2 to 4 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 17 in the Town of Wallkill Community Center (7-9 Wes Warren Drive, Scotchtown).
Comments may be formally submitted by sending a letter care of NYS Route 17 Mobility and Access Improvement Project Team, NYSDOT Region 8, to 4 Burnett Blvd., Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 or by emailing Rt17MobilityAccess@dot.ny.gov.
More information may be found online at route17.dot.ny.gov