Woodbury begins budget work
Woodbury. The town board also accepted the resignation of Timothy Finnegan.

Woodbury residents shared their concerns about certain proposed increases within the town’s tentative budget, during the October 1 Woodbury Town Board meeting. One resident asked why the budget included a raise in salary for the supervisor and councilmember positions and sought clarification on how these increases are considered. Supervisor Kathryn Luciani explained that even though the proposed raise is in the tentative budget, the board has agreed that they are not taking raises.
Although the board did approve a local law enabling the town to exceed the 2% tax cap, Luciani shared that the board will continue meeting with department heads to review the budget and try to keep it under that tax cap.
Councilmember Brandon Calore appealed to the residents’ sense of humor by comparing the tentative budget to a Christmas Wish List. “We’re going to write Santa a wish list and this is what we’re hoping to get, but what can we really do? What can Santa really shove down the chimney?”
Woodbury Town Clerk Desiree Potvin provided further insight on the budget process, explaining that after reviewing the tentative budget, the town will present a preliminary budget. Concerned citizens may voice their opinion on this budget at a public hearing that must be closed by Nov. 15, Potvin explained. She noted that the town needs to adopt the preliminary budget by Nov. 20, otherwise the tentative budget becomes the operating budget, which is always a larger budget and could cause several challenges.
Committee appointments
The town is seeking members for its newly established Ethics Committee and interested parties are invited to submit their application along with a letter of interest. Luciani explained that the town board will interview candidates and determine who will be on the committee.
During the meeting town attorney Edward Thater attempted to address residents’ questions about the purpose of the committee and how it would serve the community. He shared that the purpose of the committee was to provide guidance to town employees who may need help interpreting a potential ethics conflict. He emphasized that while a member of the public could bring an ethics concern to the committee, it is not authorized to take any action against a town entity or individual and has the right to determine what, if anything, it will do with a complaint. He added that the public has other channels they can utilize for addressing ethics issues and that the purpose of the Ethics Committee is not to police the town board.
Finnegan resigns
The board approved the resignation of Timothy Finnegan, who is taking on a new role as a firefighter for the West Point Fire Department. Because it is a federal position, Finnegan cannot continue to serve as a municipal officer. The councilmembers shared words of appreciation for his service and wished him well in his new venture.
Finnegan expressed his gratitude to the board and the residents of Woodbury for supporting him in his role on the town board for three years.
“I’ve learned a lot being on the board. I’ve met dozens if not hundreds and hundreds of residents. I got to hear their story and what’s going on with them. It was a pleasure working with all the department heads and the employees from the town,” said Finnegan.
Following Finnegan’s resignation, the board agreed to appoint Council Member Teresa Luongo as the new deputy supervisor of the Town of Woodbury. The board was split, however, on whether to offer her the proposed salary of $1,200 for the year for this role. The two dissenting votes came from Calore and Councilmember Sandra Capriglione. Because of the split in votes, the motion did not pass. The board will determine whether to keep Finnegan’s seat vacant or seek a replacement.
In other appointment news, the town appointed Kelly Lopez to the position of deputy town clerk.