There’s some good news for a change.
The Warwick Valley Farmers’ Market in the Village South Street Parking lot will officially open this Sunday, May 10, and be open every Sunday until Nov. 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
This will be the market’s 27th consecutive season.
Director Cheryl Rogowski wants everyone to know that her committee members and vendors are proud to continue serving the Warwick Valley and its surrounding area.
“Instead of a ribbon cutting like we usually do,” she said, “we plan on stopping the market at 10 a.m. and doing a shout out for all our health care folks and first responders.”
Rogowski reported that there will be one entrance and one exit to the market.
Wearing a face covering inside the market space will be mandatory. And shoppers should maintain a six-foot distance between themselves and all others in the market place and on line to enter the market.
Each vendor will have their own separate line. Additional protocols are listed on the market’s website and social media accounts.
Some vendors are going to offer a pre-order/pre-pay option again to help consumers check out more speedily.
The pre-order is done through each individual vendor and not the market. The market is helping to promote this option on behalf of our vendors.
For additional information and an updated map to locate vendors, visit www.warwickvalleyfarmersmarket.org.
- Roger Gavan