Village to issue Halloween curfew

Monroe. Football team seeks its own practice field.

Monroe /
| 09 Sep 2024 | 07:26

To mitigate public nuisance and disturbance on Halloween, the village of Monroe is implementing a new curfew for minors. During the September 3 Monroe Village Board Meeting, Mayor Neil Dwyer announced that on October 30 and 31, from the hours of 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., no children under the age of 18 are allowed on the streets or other public areas within the village of Monroe unless accompanied by and an adult or under special circumstances. Minors aged 16 or older who violate the curfew may be issued an appearance ticket and be subject to a fine of up to $100 for the first offense and possible community service.

Park uses, upgrades

A review of Monroe-Woodbury’s youth football and cheer request to hold practice in Crane Park prompted a discussion on the lack of a designated field for the M-W football team and liability issues related to finding an appropriate place to practice. Peter DeVito, president of the M-W Football Board of Directors, shared that the team doesn’t have its own field and must pay to use the field in Chester. He said this sometimes means the athletes are prevented from practicing, if the Chester team needs the field at the same time. The board discussed the safety of practicing in Crane Park as well as general liability issues related to using village parks.

In other park news, the board approved the purchase of construction, equipment, and materials from Play by Design for improvements to Airplane Park Playground, in an amount not to exceed $603,342.22. The trustees discussed the number of volunteers needed and how to best use paid and volunteer labor.

Other business

During the meeting, the board reviewed its draft local law amending Chapter 43 of the village’s vehicles and traffic code. Trustee John Karl noted the inconsistent speed limits along Stage Road, suggesting that it should be 25 miles per hour throughout. He also commented on the lack of stop signs at intersecting village streets. The board tabled the vote on the local law until the next meeting.

The village of Monroe will hold a public hearing on September 17 for a proposed local law to amend the property maintenance code.