Tuxedo to host hamlet revitalization public forum
Tuxedo. The public meeting will take place June 3.

Tuxedo will be hosting a public meeting, titled Tuxedo Hamlet Revitalization, on Monday, June 3, at 7 p.m. All residents are encouraged to attend. The Tuxedo Hamlet Revitalization Conceptual Plan, prepared by Creighton Manning in conjunction with Arterial Streets, will be presenting several options of hamlet improvements for public review.
Creighton Manning, an engineering firm based out of Albany, has been commissioned by the Tuxedo LDC as part of the Hamlet Revitalization objective to review and improve pedestrian safety and connectivity, beautification and economic development within the business district, also known as the Hamlet.
A second component of the study will review “traffic calming elements” on Route 17 and incorporate the traffic signal suggestions of the MTA at East Village Road and the Village of Tuxedo Park.
According to the town, Creighton Manning has experience in preparing conceptual plans for many municipalities and incorporate NYSDOT guidelines as well as anticipated and current traffic patterns on Route 17.
After a formal presentation, the audience will be broken out into breakout groups so residents can review the concepts presented and voice their concerns and comments.
The meeting will take place at Tuxedo Town Hall at 1 Temple Drive, Tuxedo.