Town of Tuxedo approves special permit for the Tuxedo Farms project
Tuxedo. Town officials say the approval of the permit and the previously approved SEQRA clears the path for the long-anticipated development to begin.

The Town of Tuxedo has a approved an Amended Special Permit for the development of the Tuxedo Farms Development Project.
According to a press release from Tuxedo Town Councilperson Deirdre Murphy, the approval of the special permit and the previously approved SEQRA clears the path for Related and partner Lennar Home Builders to proceed on the long-anticipated development in Tuxedo.
The residential project, Tuxedo Farms, is a planned community of 1,609 homes comprised of single family homes both market rate and age restricted, a variety of townhomes and apartments. The housing is specifically targeted to the “missing middle’ and will feature moderately priced single-family homes, townhouses, stacked townhouses, multifamily units and age restricted homes to meet the needs of downsizing seniors and first-time home buyers, according to Murphy’s press release.
The approximately 2,200-acre property, Tuxedo Farms will feature a walkable planned community comprising several neighborhoods surrounding aa town center known as The Commons to include retail space, recreational amenities and a community center. Approximately 1,700 acres will remain as open space, preserving the scenic and environmental qualities Tuxedo and the surrounding parklands of Harriman State Park and Sterling Forest are known for.
As part of the special permit, $1.1 million has been designated by Related to fund a revitalization program for the Tuxedo Hamlet, an additional $2.5 million and approximately 40 acres has been gifted to the Tuxedo School District in anticipation of the increased enrollment.
Initial site plans are scheduled to be submitted to the Planning Board with the intent to commence building in 2023.
“We believe that both Related Industries and Lennar has the building experience and depth needed to bring this exciting opportunity to fruition,” Town Town Supervisor Ken English said.