Town issues updates on hydrant flushing, Mobile DMV

Monroe. The Mobile DMV will arrive July 8.

Monroe /
| 26 Jun 2024 | 11:23

The Town of Monroe Water Department will be conducting routine hydrant flushing “to ensure the continued quality and safety of your water supply,” the department announced.

During the flushing process, residents may experience temporary water discoloration or pressure drop, which the department says is to be expected. If any residents notice any discoloration in their water, the department recommends turning on the faucet and letting it run for a few minutes until the water is clear. Anyone with questions or concerns may call the town at 845-782-8583.

Hydrant flushing schedule:

Water districts 8 and 10: The week of June 24 to 28.

Water districts 1 and 7: The week of July 1 to 5.

Water districts 2 and 12: The week of July 8 to 12.

Mobile DMV:

Orange County’s Mobile DMV will be returning to Town Hall on July 8.

Residents will be able to handle issues relating to vehicle registrations, licenses (including real and enhanced versions), and enforcement transactions.

The Mobile DMV will be at Town Hall (1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe) between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. and 1 to 3:30 p.m.