Town adjusts budget to absorb additional fees
Woodbury. Line items adjusted included the supervisor’s personnel services, animal control and municipal association dues, among others.

The Woodbury Town Board approved several budget modifications during its April 4 meeting.
When the town budget was adopted, it included $2,000 for municipal association dues. At the meeting, the town approved a $100 increase to this budget item due its membership in the Moodna Creek Watershed Intermunicipal Council. Membership dues for this council are $500 and $1,600 of the appropriation has already been spent.
The board also approved a budget modification for supervisor personnel services by increasing the salary line by $26,434, and an increase to the transportation and travel budget for the supervisor’s office of $150.
Funding for the increases to the municipal association dues, personnel services and transportation services will be sourced from the appropriated fund balance.
For animal control, the board approved an increase of $1,000 for food supplies and an increase of $1,000 to the appropriated fund balance to cover this change.
The Woodbury Town Board also adjusted its grant writer budget to accommodate the Woodbury Village Board’s approval of the Millennium Strategies contract during the March 14 meeting. The contract was approved with a $6,000 increase, and because the town of Woodbury shares the cost with the village, it approved a $3,000 increase to its grant writer budgetary line item. This will be financed by a $3,000 increase to the town’s appropriated fund balance.
In addition, the town approved a $2,090 increase to the budget for legal fees related to work on the Police Benevolent Association contract. The town also recognized the $1,975 grant received by the police department from the PERMA Bullet Proof Vest Program grant and decreased the line item for labor regarding attorney employee matters by $115.
During the meeting, the board also approved the appointments of two part-time workers for the animal shelter, as well as two part-time dispatchers for the police department.