Tim Mitts
MONROE. Tim Mitts is running for Monroe town board as a write-in candidate.

Why are you running for town board?
Are you better off today than you were four years ago? I’m a lifetime Republican running as a write-in candidate. Our current town Republican politicians have lost their way.
I don’t owe any special interest group. I do believe Maureen Richardson and William Kazdan. If you find that you can’t vote for them; vote for a true Republican, write-in Timothy Mitts.
What are the top three issues facing the town today and how do you plan to address them?
Monroe has high taxes, financial irresponsibility, and the need to expand our police department from the village into the town.
I will demand transparency to end the $5.245 million deficiency and stop special treatment. I will demand the expansion of our police department into the town to significantly reduce response time in an emergency to save more lives and more enforcement of our laws.
What sets you apart from your challengers?
I have a huge horse in the race: I’m a proud member of the Monroe Lions Club. For the last 20 years we have invested in excess of $10 million preserving over 30 local single-family residential homes without any political favors. In 2017, I was recognized by the American Foundation for the Blind for my work at Rest Haven: “The Gift that Keeps Giving.”
I personally worked with our town historian to preserve Rest Haven (2016) and Pinecrest Bungalow Colony (2022) as historical sites. In December 2020 and February 2023 I was recognized by Monroe Neighbors magazine for my community support.
For the last six years, I hosted Santa and Mrs. Claus at my home with the assistance of Museum Village, the Village of Monroe, and the Town of Blooming Grove.
Feel free to add information about your background and qualifications.
Please write-in Timothy Mitts for town councilman if you can’t vote for Richardson and/or Kazdan. Send a clear message by rejecting Sal Scancarello and Steven Thau. Take the power away from Supervisor Tony Cardone.
If I am voted in, I will work for only $1 a year and donate the balance of my salary to charity. It is about you, the voters, not me!