'The town is our home'

| 24 Sep 2015 | 03:01

By Christine Urio
— Woodbury residents have always thought there is plenty to enjoy and benefit from in the town they call home.

That was recently validated by Money Magazine when editors named Woodbury among the Top 50 Best Places to Live for 2015.

In fact Woodbury made the Top 20 list, with a ranking of 19th place.

'Keep driving deeper'“Woodbury, New York, may be best known for the 200-plus store luxury outlet mall Woodbury Common - one of the largest in the world – on its outskirts," the magazine wrote in its website.

“But keep driving deeper into its series of wooded hamlets one and a half hours from New York City and you’ll discover a family-friendly town with a rustic feel," the article continued. "Woodbury stands out for its educational strength, with students consistently scoring above both state and national averages on standardized testing.

"The town is also recognized by the National Association of Music Merchants as a ‘Best Community for Music Education’ – a designation given to less than 400 districts nationwide.”

Community, in addition to place

To everything from children’s programs at the local library to the classic “mom and pop” pizza place up the road, the town is full of small town charm that is hard to come by elsewhere, the magazine wrote.

“I know we live in a beautiful, picturesque valley with great parks and recreation,” Village of Woodbury Mayor Michael Queenan said, “but it is that small town feeling of belonging to a community family.”

'Far away, but not too far'Being located close to New York City, an advantageous feature, many in both the town and village echo this sentiment and appreciate the beauty of being located in the heart of the Hudson Valley.

“I love the country feel of Woodbury, the open spaces, the feeling of community,” said Woodbury resident Barbara DiLello. “Coming from Brooklyn and Queens, these things are important—I wanted my children to have the experience of growing up in this kind of a community.”

Some people come to Woodbury to get away, while others leave Woodbury for a city trip. But they always come home indebted to their community.

“I like that Woodbury is far away from the city, but not too far, so if you want to go and enjoy what Manhattan has to offer, you can drive for an hour or so,” said resident Anthony Mele, “but I like the uniqueness of Woodbury.”

Local, local, localFor those who don’t venture off to the urban jungle, there is plenty in the town to keep people occupied, from restaurants and outlets to ice cream at the Dug Out or fun at Earl Reservoir.

“I love shopping and eating out,” DiLello said. “Amalfi’s pizza is a favorite and Cafe Fiesta for my boys. Bright Star Diner is also a place where you will always meet someone you know.”

The comfort of a small town, and the village within it, brings the ability for neighbors to become friends, and for friends to become family.

“There are many things I love about Woodbury,” Queenan said, “but I would say it’s the people that make Woodbury a great place to live and raise a family.”

Especially for those who may have family far away, the strong sense of community helps bond relationships.

“I’ve lived in Woodbury for 33 years, and it’s the people that are very nice and friendly,” Mele said. “So even though I don’t see my family as often as I like, I have a lot of interesting and eclectic people I associate and talk with, and they fill the place of family I don’t see as often as I would like.”

Woodbury residents have a lot of pride for their excellent academics and outstanding athletics as well.

“I love supporting the Monroe-Woodbury football team—my son is in Pep Band so going to hear them play at games is fun,” DiLello said.

'I want my sons to raise their families here if they want'

For those who prefer something a little tamer, there are dog parks, hiking trails, and endless local events.

“The town means a lot to me because it’s a place that I feel comfortable and at ease in and it’s very stress free,” said Mele. “I think Woodbury is a very safe place to live and I feel very tranquil and peaceful when I am here.”

This sentiment is held by many who wish to see their children become the future of Woodbury.

“I want my sons to be able to raise their families here if they choose to—I want them to be a part of the Woodbury community, I want them to be able to use the Rez and the pool and just enjoy to beautiful area they grew up in,” DiLello said. “The town is our home. I don't want it to ever change.”