The sounds of music

| 17 Apr 2014 | 11:11

CENTRAL VALLEY – The NAMM Foundation has recognized the Monroe-Woodbury School District for its commitment to music education with a Best Communities for Music Education (BCME) designation.

Monroe-Woodbury joins 376 districts across the country to receive the distinction in 2014.

Best Communities for Music Education recognize school districts that have demonstrated exceptional efforts toward maintaining music education as part of the schools’ core curriculum.

The designation brings attention to the importance of keeping music education part of school’s core education and music’s vital role in student success in school.

The NAMM Foundation is a nonprofit organization supported in part by the National Association of Music Merchants.

The BCME survey requires districts to answer detailed questions about funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support for the music program and community music-making programs. Responses were verified with school officials and reviewed by The Institute for Educational Research and Public Service of Lawrence, Kansas, an affiliate of the University of Kansas.

“The Monroe-Woodbury Community truly understands the value of the performing arts and how it impacts student learning and the quality of life for all citizens," said District Music Coordinator, Nicole Regan. “Receiving this award validates the efforts of the Board of Education, administration, teachers, students and community members to continue supporting the music program even as budgets are tight.”