The Ladies Auxiliary is back in business

| 09 Jul 2015 | 12:20

By Christine Urio
— The Highland Mills Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary has been revitalized and is looking for new members.

The mission of this organization is to support the town’s firefighters, as well as the citizens, and to make the community a better place.

According to Highland Mills resident Ashley Burke, the goal of the Ladies Auxiliary is to “give aid and assistance to the Highland Mills Fire Company whenever possible.”

A day full of activitiesThe inspiration to reorganize this group stemmed from the Highland Mills Fire Company hosting its upcoming 125th anniversary on Sept. 26. To celebrate this milestone, the department intends to throw a massive celebration.

“We’re hosting a whole bunch of events and have invited all of the fire companies in Orange County,” Burke said. “There’s going to be a parade and a whole day of activities.”

The original Ladies Auxiliary began in the 1950s, but disbanded in the early 1980s due to lack of membership.

"From what people tell me, it began to fade out in the early 80's," Burke said. "People were losing interest and many women were working outside the home. It was hard to volunteer their time because any extra time was devoted to family life. I'm not sure how many women it had when it disbanded or how many originals but it was more than 20 women."

Burke is the wife of Chris Burke, captain of the Highland Mills Fire Company. She was persuaded to start the group up again in light of the necessary planning that was needed for the upcoming anniversary.

“We’re reinstating this group to not only help with the anniversary," she said, "but to also establish something that can be an ongoing support for the community.”

While 125 years of community service is a significant milestone, the day will come and go. But the Ladies Auxiliary intends to stick around.

“The fire company has fund raisers throughout the year, and now we can assist them,” said Burke. “They usually sell Christmas trees and have holiday parties in December and sell fireworks in July — the Ladies Auxiliary intends to be prominent in the community.”

Assist and supportBecause the fire department is devoted to helping others and making the town a safe place, joining the Ladies Auxiliary is an opportunity for residents to show their appreciation and give back to those that serve them.

“We’re not solely focused just on fundraising,” Burke said, “but we can come assist with food and drinks when the firefighters are out for hours on end, make them meals when they’re sick at the department or have something personal going on in their families — we can come in to assist and support.”

Furthermore, the Ladies Auxiliary provides the opportunity for people to get to know one another, stimulating a sense of community pride and growth.

“We want your time and we want you to get involved; we want to make the department more inviting and not just a place for these guys to go,” said Burke.

The reinstatement of the Ladies Auxiliary has received much enthusiasm from the community and was even brought to the attention of the Village of Woodbury where it received overwhelming support as well, which Burke finds encouraging.

Burke said she's had two membership drives already with more than 30 women interested.

“We’re looking forward to everything we can offer the department and having the community come together,” she said. “If we’re all together anyway we might as well be together for the good of the community.”

July 25 open houseOn Saturday, July 25, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Ladies Auxiliary, along with the fire company, will host an open house for the entire community, which will include both fire truck displays and fire prevention tips.

“There will be food and a radio station — it’s a kick-off to the anniversary,” Burke said. “All are invited, rain or shine; this will be the Ladies Auxiliary and the fire department’s first event together.”

The Ladies Auxiliary is not exclusive to just family members of current firefighters, and encourages all in the community to get involved. The first meeting is scheduled to be held in August.

To learn more, contact Burke at