Tara Burek
WOODBURY. Trustee Tara Burek is running for re-election to the Woodbury village board on the Republican and Woodbury First lines.

Why are you running for trustee?
I have served as a village trustee since 2020. It is important for residents with children to be involved in shaping the future of our community. I have two children who attend Monroe-Woodbury schools. I am running for re-election to ensure the success of our village for future generations.
What are the top three issues facing the village today and how do you plan to address them?
Uncontrolled development has proven to be detrimental to our quality of life. During my tenure on the village board, we have enacted laws to close loopholes in our zoning code to ensure development is smart and properly monitored.
The scarcity of our water sources is a major issue. Our board has implemented a schedule of routine maintenance for our water infrastructure while simultaneously working toward bringing new water sources online to supplement a diminishing supply.
We have prioritized the needs of our fire service volunteers. We set forth a referendum for our community to vote on maximizing the Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP) benefits for our members. We have voted to allow for a reduction of property taxes for volunteers, and we have negotiated a developer’s agreement that contributed significant monetary support to modernize our fire apparatus.
What sets you apart from your challengers?
I have the experience necessary to address the challenges we are facing. I’m a strong researcher who is very analytical. I rely on research to solve complicated problems. Working for the residents as a village trustee for the last four years has allowed me to gain the perspective needed to be successful.
Feel free to add information about your background and qualifications.
I am a practicing CPA with almost 20 years of experience. My financial background allows me to dissect situations differently than most. I am diligent and rely on facts to make decisions. I pride myself on my direct-communication style, my sound judgment, and my ability to keep an open mind.