South Orange Family YMCA buys building it has occupied since 2011

By Nancy Kriz
MONROE — The South Orange Family YMCA in Monroe now owns the building it's been leasing since 2011 and that purchase now positions the Y to take the next step in its expansion plans.
“The YMCA Board has taken a major step in purchasing the building," said Kevin Preston, YMCA of Middletown board president, the parent organization to the Monroe facility. "It was always our dream and desire to expand this Y to the next level, with a pool, gym and additional youth space. The region loves this Y and deserves the expansion."
The building purchase was completed May 24 for $3.25 million and will now give the Y a 48,000-square foot footprint. Y officials hope members and the community will help raise the necessary funds to make a new South Orange Family YMCA become a reality.
Details regarding a fund-raising campaign are being finalized with a community announcement expected soon.
“Purchasing the building is the first step in the right direction," said Ross Miceli, YMCA of Middletown executive director. "Building a pool in Monroe will allow the YMCA to service more families and touch more lives in southern Orange County. This is an exciting time for the community.”
Eight thousand membersThe Y opened in February 2011 and currently has more than 8,000 members.
“The South Orange Y is six-years-old,” Miceli said. “The decision to buy the building is the most exciting move we have made in our short history serving the community. Owning this building reaffirms our long-lasting commitment to the community to do everything we can to provide health and wellness programs to improve the quality of life for all who are participants.”
YMCA of Middletown CEO Ira Besdansky knows member interest in a pool was clear prior to the Y beginning construction on the building's original phase six years ago.
“Weeks before the construction began and our doors opened, our members have wanted a swimming pool and this purchase gets us closer to fulfilling those requests and puts the Y in a position to provide invaluable aquatics programs to the community,” Besdansky said.
Expanded programs for young and oldThe pool would provide opportunities for children, teens and adults to participate in progressive swim lesson and lifeguard training courses. It would also offer water exercise programs, including special programming for seniors.
The new gym would offer more teen programs in the community and would include plans to partner with area school districts to develop programming to help offset intramural program cutbacks due to budget issues.
The additional space will assist in creating new family programming, which members say they want to have.
And, there would be a larger common space available for other non-profit organizations and other community partners to host meetings.
Plans for new entrance/exitThe plans also include creating a new entrance/exit from Route 17M into the facility. Right now, Y members must use Route 208, which can be tricky depending on what direction they're coming from to go to the facility.
Already, the Y has been granted approval from Orange County to cross the Heritage Trail with the new entrance/exit.
There's also support from the Village of Monroe.
"Mayor Jim Purcell and the Monroe Village Board are helping to integrate our driveway with the village's plans to improve Route 17M and the Gilbert Street intersection," said Miceli. "We are very grateful for their support and their recognition of the need to make these upgrades. Once completed, the new access will be tremendously positive and also safer way to travel to the Y."
Miceli invited the community to follow the campaign on Facebook or visit the South Orange Family YMCA to learn more about the expansion plans. To learn more, call 782-9622.