Robert Hunter
WOODBURY. Challenger Robert Hunter is running for Woodbury town board on the Democratic line.

Why are you running for town board?
I’m running so the residents of Woodbury have a full slate of choices between all of the candidates. I think this is one way to encourage voting.
What are the top three issues facing the town today and how do you plan to address them?
1. Fast, uncontrolled growth coupled with losing the small-town feel .
2. Cost of living in general, but specifically, local, county, and state taxes.
3. Congestion and rising crime.
What sets you apart from your challengers?
I was previously on the town board for eight years and the experience I gained from working with other board members and supervisors to solve problems is invaluable.
Feel free to add information about your background and qualifications.
My family goes back several generations in Woodbury. I own a small business here and would like to see smart growth with careful planning. We need to consider the past to plan for our future.