Ramapo Catskill Library System earns sustainability certification
Middletown. The library system has more initiatives planned for the future.

The Ramapo Catskill Library System (RCLS), located in Middletown, has been designated a Certified Sustainable Library System through the Sustainable Library Certification Program (SLCP).
RCLS said it made a commitment to sustainable practices two years and nine months ago through the Sustainable Libraries Initiative and has now successfully completed the requirements to become a certified sustainable library system. Staff members from every department collaborated to complete over 174 action items pertaining to categories such as social equity, economic feasibility, and environmental responsibility.
”RCLS decided to pursue certification to answer the needs of our member libraries that expressed interest in focusing on sustainability initiatives. This certification process provided valuable learning opportunities and rewarding experiences for the entire RCLS team. Our Sustainability Team worked diligently to implement meaningful changes that benefit not only RCLS but also our member libraries,” said Joanna Goldfarb, a youth services librarian and sustainability innovation consultant for the system.
Among the system’s achievements during the program was its partnership with New York State Assemblyman Karl Brabenec and Good Samaritan Hospital, which provided “baby bundles” to hundreds of expecting mothers. Each bundle contained a onesie, child literacy resources, and a high-contrast board book.
“The Ramapo Catskill Library System has blazed a path forward for their member libraries,” said Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, co-founder and board president of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative. “Their understanding that the program would ultimately strengthen not only their own organization but modeled for their member libraries how to create a strategic advantage is truly remarkable.”
RCLS also provides member libraries with sustainability resources. Additionally, eight member libraries participate in the Sustainable Library Certification Program, with two achieving certifications ahead of the system.
The Ramapo Catskill Library System is now the third public library system to become certified sustainable through the SLCP. The system already has arrangements for the future, including plans on planting a pollinator garden, investigating new community partnerships, continuing to upgrade plumbing fixtures, and expanding sustainability consultancy services to their member libraries.
Member libraries include the Albert Wisner Public Library in Warwick, the Florida Public Library, the Chester Public Library, the Goshen Public Library, the Monroe Free Library, and the Woodbury Public Library.
“We are excited to continue our sustainability journey alongside our member libraries, deepening our partnerships to inspire action and make a lasting impact in our communities,” commented Goldfarb. “Together, we can lead the way toward a more sustainable, environmentally conscious future.”