Power outage causes Central Valley students to have classes at the high school on Wednesday

CENTRAL VALLEY — A power outage at Central Valley Elementary School on Wednesday required the school to operate on a three hour delay schedule with classes taking place at Monroe-Woodbury High School.
This was the first time an entire school population was relocated to a different location in a non-drill situation for an actual instructional day.
Central Valley Principal Eric Hassler said the decision to relocate classes to the high school was based on consultations with the district’s buildings and grounds crew, O&R and the not having an exact time frame for when full heat would return to the building on what was currently the coldest day of the year.
“The buses picked up kids and instead of going to Central Valley, went to the high school,” he said. “We’re making it work.”
The modified day included every elementary student having physical education classes in the gym (regardless of what their normal gym day was); meetings in the auditorium with their teachers where movies selected by the school’s librarian were shown; and lunch in the two cafeterias.
Elementary students were segregated from high school students so as to not interfere with high school testing schedules, according to David Bernsley, high school principal, noting there was more than enough space for the young student guests.
“There’s not an issue whatsoever, because the time the Central Valley kids came in was after dismissal and arrival for exams,” said Bernsley. “Our staff has been great and the Central Valley staff has been great. Everyone has been so accommodating and flexible. I can’t say enough about them.”
Hassler said Wednesday’s school relocation was a scenario which proved to be great test for the Central Valley school community.
“Making and implementing alternate plans,” said Hassler. “It doesn’t get more real than when you don’t have any power.”
The closest similar situation was last year, when 2,400 high school students were relocated to the middle school for about an hour when a wire shorted out, causing smoke and a foul odor.
All Central Valley Elementary after-school activities were cancelled.
- Nancy Kriz