Pine Tree Elementary at 50

| 17 Oct 2012 | 06:13

MONROE — When Pine Tree Elementary School opened its doors in 1962, rotary-dial telephones and typewriters were among the latest technological tools used by people.

Computers were just advancing beyond infancy.

Today, Smartphones, tablets and laptop computers are used by people every day with minimal thought given to how they evolved to be what they are.

What a difference 50 years makes.

Today, students, faculty and invited guests celebrated the school’s 50 years of service in an afternoon of events. Included in them was the opening of a time capsule that had been safely secured behind the 1962 cornerstone block at the school’s front entrance for the last half-century.

At the first of two ceremonies commemorating the school’s 50th anniversary held Thursday night, Pine Tree officials said the one constant that remains unchanged is the quality education given to generations of students.

“The world has certainly changed and looks very different since Pine Tree opened its doors,” said Principal Bryan Giudice in prepared remarks. “One thing that has not changed is the excellent education children continue to receive every day.”

Last night, an estimated 500 people attended a community celebration which featured comments from a variety of speakers, the presentation of a special six foot “pine tree” to be planted on campus, musical performances and a movie showing images of the school over the past 50 years.

“Fifty years have come and gone, but Pine Tree still continues to provide a safe learning environment to our children, and this building will continue to do just that for another 50 years,” Giudice said in his comments. “It is our mission to continue providing students with the inspiration to become the next district attorney, scientist that cures cancer, teacher or inventor of the next Facebook.”

Both gatherings took place after The Photo News went to press; watch for coverage on the celebratory events in next week’s edition.