Pine Tree announces Principal Award winners

| 22 May 2013 | 01:01

MONROE — Pine Tree Elementary students recently received the school’s PTA Principal’s Awards.

“Teachers and staff members nominate students for their hard work, good behavior and excellent choices made throughout the year,” accords to school officials.

Students were invited to bring their parents to an evening celebration where they were honored and received their certificates.

The 2012-13 Principal’s Award winners are:

Grade 2
Daniel Cabral
Arianna Exarchakis

Nina Flores
Visakhi Miriyapalli
Nathaniel Murcin

Ella Natal
Noah Ortiz
Kristen Peifer

Elizabeth Pisello
Adam Rabie
Ryan Shuman

Grade 3
Cassidy Conklin
Jason Fromowitz

Madison Fulton
Alana Grant
Eric Hauser

Cassidy Maher
Grace McCleary
Anna Paravati

Michael Scancarello
Grade 4
Daniel Ambrosio

Alex Camacho
Ethan Gollinger
Sarah Gonzalez

Tehya Harvey
Stephanie Kurdziel
Jade Kwinn

Wendy Lucero
Erin Malloy
Albert Pizzo

Michael Ryan
Anusha Sharma
Brett Werling

Grade 5
Jessica Ebner
Ryan Driscoll

Tiana Gonzalez
Madison Groff
Allyson Holguin-Vargas

Alana Kim
Sara Mallory
Megan Marina

Rosa Matamoros
Isabella Otero
Aidan Wallace

Eric Wallace